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The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 2, The Divine Feminine Flow - The Gate of Receptivity: Dislocation - Orientation - Unity

Crystal Renae Season 4 Episode 41

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Embrace Your True Path with Human Design Gate 2: The Divine Feminine Flow

In this episode of the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast, host Crystal Renae, the Soul Brand Alchemist, explores Human Design Gate 2, also known as The Divine Feminine Flow. 

Crystal explains the significance of this gate in terms of receptivity, openness, and alignment with the natural flow of the universe. 

She delves into the concepts of the shadow (dislocation) and the gift (orientation) of this gate, highlighting how understanding and embodying these principles can help digital entrepreneurs create purpose-aligned brands. 

Crystal also shares valuable tips and reflective questions to help listeners connect with their true purpose, trust in divine timing, and embrace the balance of feminine and masculine energies within themselves.

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00:00 Welcome to the Conscious Code Series
00:45 Technical Difficulties and Announcements
01:21 Introducing the Soul Brand Alchemy Program
02:23 Exploring Human Design Gate 2: The Divine Feminine Flow
03:58 Understanding the Shadow of Dislocation
07:35 Embracing the Gift of Orientation
09:20 Achieving the Siddhi of Unity
10:52 Applying Gate 2 in Your Business and Brand
12:18 Contemplative Questions and Tips
14:01 Conclusion and Next Steps

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Welcome back to the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast. I am your host, Crystal Renae. The Soul Brand Alchemist. Helping conscious creators and digital business owners create their soul align brand using their Human Design and Gene Keys. Where we infuse your soul's essence into your business, into your brand. Making sure that you're aligned with your purpose and that you're magnetizing your aligned soul clients on autopilot. So today we are talking about Gene Key or Gate 24. Which I like to refer to as the magical perspective. And actually have this Gate , but I do not have a defined Ajna. But I can see the essence of this Gate, you know, within me sometimes, because I am so curious. Now. In Human Design. This Gate is called the Gate of rationalization, the Gate of blessings or the Gate of returning. And it is located in the Ajna center going towards the head center. In the channel of awareness, which is a design of a thinker. And it's connected to Gate 61. In the Gene Keys, it's called silence. The ultimate addiction. And in the I Ching it's called the turning point thunder within the earth. This is located in the tropical sign of Taurus. And the Vedic sign of Aries specifically in the. Bharani Nakshatra now the shadow of this Gate is addiction, and that is the tendency towards addiction and repetitive behavior. Not just limited to substance abuse. It encompasses addictive thought patterns, emotional reactions and behavioral loops.. So the overall energy of Gate 24 embodies wise, rationalizations, or embraces silence as a sacred space for transformation and renewal. It allows for the pause between giving and receiving. Bringing inspiration into rational form and communicating it effectively to others. The ability to revisit ideas and concepts until they click. Is seen as a positive aspect. Fostering a deep understanding and insight. So the shadow of this Gate. Is addiction. So in your repressive nature, or if you're an introverted person, this can show up as being frozen. And the gaps in our awareness caused us to freeze up. Freezing can manifest physically as a lack of energy. Emotionally as depression. And mentally as a narrow minded and guarded perception of reality. Those who numb themselves are those who freeze themselves. Right. And then the reactive nature, or if you're more of an extroverted person, this can show up as anxious. Unwilling to fully experience your feelings of emptiness. The gaps that open up before us can throw us into panic. We at reacting anxiety by translating our fear into activity. Those who stimulate themselves. Workaholics who cannot sit still, but are anxious from avoidance. So when our thoughts are constantly on a thousand. Something I experienced on a regular basis. You know, we either freeze up or we come super anxious. Right? I know what anxiety is. I've been diagnosed with anxiety have learned how to tame it naturally. Through somatic healing, breath, work, tapping all kinds of different. Tools that I use to calm it without having to take medication. So in the shadow. At the negative end of the spectrum, you may feel uncomfortable with silence. And tend to fill it with unnecessary noise or distractions in your mind. So this avoidance can prevent you from. Accessing deeper insights and transformation through quiet contemplation. Can't turn your mind off. You may find yourself repeatedly revisiting ideas and thoughts, trying to rationalize and figure things out before they click. And this constant overthinking can lead to self-criticism or shame. For not arriving at conclusions more quickly. You also have a fear of not knowing for certain or being unable to explain your insights and that can trigger mental anxiety. This fear may lead you to make hasty decisions with your mind, rather than allowing your natural process of transformation to unfold. And you get stuck in old patterns. If you become too attached to familiar perspectives. You might resist embracing new ideas or concepts, and this can lead to being stuck in old patterns and hinder personal growth and expansion. You have an addiction to repetition in your shadow, and that can create addictive behaviors where you find comfort in replaying the same scenarios repeatedly. Without realizing the purpose or implications behind these actions. And that is a very Taurus. Thing to do Taurus' resist change. And continues to kind of stay in the same groove. It's hard to get out of their routine. And because of this. And response to the uncomfortable emotions or emptiness that you feel in your shadow. You might resort to numbing yourself or engaging in reactive behavior. To avoid fully experiencing your feelings. And that's where that. Addictiveness to substances can come in. And this all stems from the fear of the unknown. And that can hold you back from exploring the gaps between cycles. Where magic and creativity actually emerge. So embracing uncertainty is essential for allowing transformation and evolution. It's like where there's a moment of like silence in your mind. You don't know what to do with that. And it freaks you out. Right. So you create mental activity. Thought processes on repeat and all of that stuff. But in your gift. Which is invention. You have the ability to find breakthroughs and fresh perspectives by exploring those gaps between repetitive neurological patterns. It's all about like your neuron activity. So in your gift, you're very wise with rationalization. You possess the ability to engage in this rationalization, meaning that you can transform mystical inspiration into rational thoughts. Through silence. You're contemplating nature allows you to process ideas and insights deeply. Leading you to well thought out decisions and perspectives. You embrace. That silence in your mind, those gaps of nothingness instead of fearing it. You recognize the power of silence and sacred. Pauses. In life., instead of avoiding silence, you comfortably spend time in silence. Allowing yourself to access deeper insights, creativity, and inner wisdom. And this is where the other tool of meditation can come in to silence yourself. Silence, that anxiety. I use a lot of meditation. I do. I meditate almost every single day. As much as I have time to meditate. I'm meditating to learn how to silence the overactive mind that I have. So. You understand the significance of the subtle pause between giving and receiving. And this skill enables you to bring inspiration and transformation into form. Making you an effective communicator and problem solver. You acknowledge that all experiences have the potential for growth and expansion. You even challenge or even challenging or painful experiences are seen as opportunities for learning and personal evolution. So instead of avoiding painful experiences, you see them as catalysts for transformation. You find ways to extract wisdom and power from difficult situations, allowing them to shape you positively. And , you have a flexible perspective where your open-mindedness and willingness to let go of old perspectives. Enables you to adapt to new ideas and possibilities, and this open-mindedness fosters the creativity and fresh insights that you receive. And that leads us into the Siddhi or highest state of frequency of this Gate, which is silence. And that represents the pure background state of human awareness, where the mind transcends its addictive patterns and rests in true silence. And this is where you have access to the divine, to the information that you can receive from spirit enhancing your ability to access those deeper levels of consciousness and spiritual understanding. You become a creative genius and your contemplate of nature. An openness to new ideas allows you to tap into your creative genius and you can generate original concepts and bring forth innovative solutions. To various challenges. And you have the capacity to find that inner peace and clarity by resting in the silence. And it's in these moments that you can receive guidance and inspiration from a higher source, especially in that meditative state. Right. And you are liberated from the addiction. By embracing silence and the gaps in awareness, you free yourself from addictive thought patterns and behaviors. You gain greater self-awareness and overcome limiting habits. And your ability to contemplate and embrace silence enables you to undergo profound, personal transformation gracefully. So how you can use this Gate in your business, in your brand is by teaching others how to embrace their own inner silence, how to quiet their anxiety, how to tame. How to break free from those addictions, the addictive thought patterns, the addictive. Cycles of life that are not serving us. Teaching people how to quiet their mind. In order to receive. Guidance from a higher source, right? I love this Gate. It's very connected. Once you learn how to silence your mind. That's when the answers come through. And this Gate being the Gate of answers. And the magical perspective is what I like to call it. It only makes sense.. So the energy is always seeking answers. And then realizes that the answers come. When you are no longer seeking, but you are silent. So with that being said, I will see you again. When the sun transits into the next Human Design Gate. Wow.

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