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The Conscious Code Series: Exploring Human Design Gate 31, The Divine Leader - The Gate of Leading: Arrogance - Leadership - Humility

Crystal Renae Season 4 Episode 54

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Understanding Gate 31: The Divine Leader in Human Design

In this episode of the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast, host Crystal Renae, The Soul Brand Alchemist, dives into Gate 31 from the Human Design System.

Crystal explains the significance of this Gate, located in the Throat Center, and its connection to leadership. She discusses the fixed nature of the Gates derived from tropical astrology and contrasts it with Vedic astrology.

The episode explores the shadow aspects of Gate 31, such as arrogance and manipulation, and its higher expressions of inspiring and visionary leadership.

Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own leadership qualities and how they can embody the positive traits of Gate 31. Crystal concludes with tips to cultivate authentic communication and humility in leadership.

Join the Conscious Code Collective Digital Library full of everything you need to know about your energetic blueprint here.

Join the next round of Soul Brand Alchemy where you infuse your Human Design and Gene Keys into your purpose-aligned digital brand, offer, and marketing message, embodying your impact and magnetizing your soul-aligned clients with passion, confidence, and authenticity here.

00:00 Introduction to the Conscious Code Series
01:16 Exploring Gate 31: The Divine Leader
05:23 Understanding the Shadow of Arrogance
08:12 Embracing the Gift of Leadership
09:40 The Siddhi of Humility
12:42 Practical Tips for Leadership and Humility
13:52 Conclusion and Next Steps

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Welcome back to the Conscious Code Series on the EmbodyME Podcast. I'm your host, Crystal Renae, the soul brand alchemist. And I help conscious digital entrepreneurs infuse their human design and gene keys into their purpose aligned brand digital offer and marketing message so that they magnetize their soul aligned clients on autopilot with passion. Courage confidence and ultimately embodying the impact that they came here to make. I would highly encourage you to take a look at my website to see all of my offers. I have., a conscious code collective membership that goes hand in hand with this. Um, conscious code series that I'm creating. If you really want to learn all about the different elements of your human design. Um, I also have a branding program called soul brand alchemy that basically shows you how to take all of who you are on a soul level, all of the elements that make you, you it, through your human design and gene keys. And infuse that into your brand, into your digital offer, into your marketing miss message. Making sure that you're attracting your soul aligned audience based on your gifts, um, based on your energetic blueprint, to make sure that you're in full alignment and in authenticity within your business and brand. So. All of the links are in the show notes. If you want to take a look at those things, but let's go ahead and get into today's gate, which is a gate 31. Now, this gate is interesting to me because if I followed. Cosmic human design, which I don't, I don't necessarily subscribe to that. However, I do believe that. You know, Uh, because I love archetype so much and I study these things, um, you know, all of the gates, all of the energies kind of live within us and get activated with, uh, within us in certain. Points in time. Right? So this gate is my conscious sun. According to cosmic human design. Now my personal belief is that Ra Uru Hu was very well of Vedic astrology, as well as tropical astrology. And he chose to use tropical astrology for a reason. And I believe that reason was because it is fixed. It does not move, um, with the alignment of the stars like Vedic does. So basically if he chose to use Vedic astrology, The gates would not be fixed on the calendar year. They would. You know, shift with time. And I truly believe that he, um, received the download that the gates should be fixed, which is why he chose to use tropical astrology. So ultimately the gates don't change just the astrological sign. Within that gate changes, which is why I give you both the tropical and the Vedic astrological sign. When I am doing these gates. So. Let me know if you see this energy within me. Um, I am a. In human design, not cosmic human design. My conscious sun is gate 59. Um, but in cosmic human design, this gate 31 is my conscious sun. So let me know. Where are you guys? Uh, what energies you feel from me? Um, but I do believe, you know, I, I do resonate and connect with this gate, but I do that with all the gates. So. Let's go ahead and get into this gate, which I call the divine leader. And inhuman design. This gate is called gate of leading the gate of influence or the gate of democracy. And it's located in the throat center, moving towards the identity or G center in the channel of the alpha. Which is a design of leadership. And it's connected to gate seven. And the gene keys it's called sounding your truth. And in the I Ching, it's the turning point influence. Sacred lake atop the mountain peak. This is in the tropical sign of Leo and the Vedic sign of cancer. In the Pusha. and see that's all off because I'm a Magha Nakshatra. So the overall energy of this gate embodies the essence of influential and collective leadership. With a focus on service, integrity, and democracy. It emphasizes the need for recognition and cooperation. Where leadership must elected and supported by the collective will of the people rather than forced or purchased. The energy of this gate is inherently connected to vision mastery and the expression of future possibilities. Creating a force of nature that has the potential to guide others towards a higher and brighter future. So at its core, this gate seeks to lead with authenticity. Humility and a commitment to collective welfare. It can manifest both positively as an empowered and empowering leadership that serves the greater good and negatively as a manipulative or self-serving behavior driven by fear or arrogance. The key to harnessing this energy is to understand one's leadership niche. Lead with integrity and be attuned to the needs and desires of the followers. So, let me go ahead and start with the shadow of this gate, which is arrogance. And this represents the misuse of language and communication to manipulate and control others. So in the repressive nature, or if you're more of an introverted person, this can show up as being deferring. This manifests as false humility. Deferring your power to others, caring deeply about what others think of you and fear being thought of as arrogant. This draws attention claiming to be the opposite case. So these people are more arrogant than they lead on. They defer their arrogance and say, oh, it's not me. I'm not arrogant. You know, And then the reactive nature, or if you're more of a extroverted person, this can show up as being scornful. And it's based on anger rather than fear. Which emerges as scorn. It assumes itself to be above others because it sees how easily others can be conditioned and can therefore be manipulated. They miss how deeply they are caught up in their own conditioning because they seek recognition. Being scornful towards those who they lead. So in your shadow, you have a suppressing voice. You may find yourself suppressing your own voice and playing small. Fearing rejection or not being heard. And the self-doubt can hinder your ability to step into a leadership role and express your true potential. Um, in the shadow, this gate can manifest as arrogance using language as a tool to manipulate others for personal gain. Um, You ultimately seek recognition and validation in your shadow. And your leadership may become self serving rather than serving the collective. You are disconnected from source where the shadow energy may lead to the disconnection from your divine. Self where you believe control over reality through words. Leading to an inflate of sense of self-importance. And you may feel trapped in the world of words. You may identify with your separate existence. Not realizing the deeper truth beyond language and the illusion that it creates. So you believe that the words that you say are the reality. And in the shadow, you might defer your power to others. Seeking approval and fearing rejection. This could lead to a scornful attitude towards those you lead affecting your ability to lead effectively. And the shadow energy may create a fear of stepping into leadership roles. And a feeling of unworthy. Of serving as a leader. And this fear can hold you back from embracing your influential leadership potential. Which brings us to the gift of leadership. And this manifests as an influential and visionary leadership. Individuals with this gift, have a natural ability to lead and inspire. Others with their words and vision. Notice all of the throat gates have that connection to words, language, expression. Only makes sense. So in your gift, you are The gift of influential leadership. Where your voice carries authority and inspires others to action. Your logical and future oriented expressions guide people toward a beneficial direction. And you were recognized as a highly influential force. With gate 31, you understand the collectives needs and desires and you lead by serving the people you are guiding. Your leadership is college. Than hierarchal. Hierarchical. And you empower others to achieve personal or universal goals. So your leadership involves with leading w ith integrity and being a representative of the people that you serve. By putting the desires of your followers first and valuing your right leadership position, you become an effective and impactful leader. You believe in empowering people, knowing that empowered individuals empower others, your leadership seeks to uplift and unify the group. You are skilled at delegating and sharing power for the greater good. And that actually brings us to the highest frequency or the Siddhi of this gate. Which is humility, and in this State of consciousness that goes beyond the limitations of language and the ego's need for recognition. This allows you to express a clear vision of the future and the possibilities that it holds. You can effectively transfer this vision to others, inspiring them to work towards a collective goal and a brighter future. Your leadership is based on a heart branded approach where you express the cutting edge of consciousness and make changes that benefit the collective. Your influence is founded upon anticipation and a sense of what lies ahead. Your natural leadership allows you to guide others through change and transformation. You serve as a catalyst for positive growth, helping individuals break free from conditioning and narrow confines. You lead with influence rather than coercion. And your voice is persuasive and magnetic. People are drawn to follow your guidance because you represent a compelling vision and understanding of the collective's needs. And at its highest expression. Gate 31 becomes a pure transmission and your voice becomes the voice of the divine. Your words, carry a transformative power, guiding others towards liberation from the limitations of language and duality. And see, that's where I really relate with this gate because I've had people tell me my voice is. Whatever, you know, like, oh, I can listen to you talk all day. And, um, I know that I am good with words and can communicate effectively, but I also have a defined throat with other. Gates and channels that. Um, Empower that I guess, or that support that. But if you have this gate in your chart, you can use this in your business and brand by being the leader, the powerful leader that you are using your words effectively to uplift others, to inspire others into action, into becoming their own leader in their own life. You are very influential in that way. And you. Have that. Capacity to empower others. So. Another thing that you could incorporate into your brand is the heart branding using your words to connect to the heart of the people that follow you. And here are some contemplate of questions. You can ask yourself if you have this gate active. What is my relationship with leadership? Do I like to lead? Why or why not? How can I use my natural influence and leadership abilities to create positive change in my life? And the lives of others. And how can I cultivate authentic communication and sound my truth. Without getting caught up in arrogance or manipulation. And here are some tips that you can use to further embrace the shadow of arrogance and embody the gift of leadership and humility. Cultivate self-awareness become aware of any tendencies towards arrogance or false humility. Reflect on your interactions with others and examine whether you are seeking recognition or manipulating situations for personal gain. Self-awareness is the first step toward a transformation. Embrace humility. Practice humility by recognizing that true leadership is not about seeking personal power or control. Let go of the need for constant validation and instead, focus on serving the greater good. Humility allows you to be a vessel for higher wisdom and collective inspiration. And listen and serve. As a leader. Listen deeply to the needs and desires of the people you lead. Seek to understand their perspectives. And be open to feedback. Leadership is about serving the collective, not imposing your vision on others. And that is the beautiful gate 31, the divine leader. Um, my cosmic human design conscious son, which I do connect with. Um, but let me know what you guys think. If you see these qualities in me or not. Um, gate 59 is my actual human design conscious son. And I'll be recording that shortly. So stay tuned. And I will see you again in the next human design gate podcast. No.

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